Total lives impacted
Total lives impacted
Total services delivered
Total services delivered
Family planning and contraception services
Family planning and contraception services
HIV services
HIV services
Mental health services
Mental health services

The need

Kenya is experiencing a growing ‘youth bulge’, with nearly a quarter of its population aged between 10 and 19 years. Kenya’s youth population faces significant challenges, especially regarding sexual and reproductive health. A high unmet need for contraceptives among young people has meant that in Kenya, one in five girls leaves her teens as a mother.

In terms of HIV/AIDS, just over half of young people know about prevention methods, leading to 78% of new HIV infections falling to adolescent girls and young women.

Our work in Kenya

Tiko has been operating in Kenya since 2016. As our flagship country programme, Kenya holds Tiko’s most extensive operation.

Our work focuses on increasing access to sexual and reproductive health services across 17 counties in Kenya. Since 2021, we have expanded our service offering to include access to HIV testing, pre-exposure prophylaxis (PrEP), antiretroviral therapy (ART) and mental health services. 

Tiko partners with both national and regional governments and an array of different partners to implement operations within Kenya. We are implementing partners for the Government of Kenya on the Vijana Vuka Na Afya (VIVA) program, which works across several counties to increase access to SRH products and services, while providing life and technical skills training opportunities for young people. Tiko was also the implementing partner for the world’s first Development Impact Bond (DIB) for adolescent sexual and reproductive health, which has been extended as part of a second Bond. The DIB works with the Government of Kenya and various outcomes funders and an investor to reduce new HIV infections, AIDS-related deaths and teenage pregnancies among adolescent girls aged 15 to 19 in ten high-burden counties in Kenya.

Our work in Kenya

Tiko has been operating in Kenya since 2016. As our flagship country programme, Kenya holds Tiko’s most extensive operation.

Our work focuses on increasing access to sexual and reproductive health services across 17 counties in Kenya. Since 2021, we have expanded our service offering to include access to HIV testing, pre-exposure prophylaxis (PrEP), antiretroviral therapy (ART) and mental health services. 

Tiko partners with both national and regional governments and an array of different partners to implement operations within Kenya. We are implementing partners for the Government of Kenya on the Vijana Vuka Na Afya (VIVA) program, which works across several counties to increase access to SRH products and services, while providing life and technical skills training opportunities for young people. Tiko was also the implementing partner for the world’s first Development Impact Bond (DIB) for adolescent sexual and reproductive health, which has been extended as part of a second Bond. The DIB works with the Government of Kenya and various outcomes funders and an investor to reduce new HIV infections, AIDS-related deaths and teenage pregnancies among adolescent girls aged 15 to 19 in ten high-burden counties in Kenya.

The Tiko ecosystem in Kenya




Health Service


Local Retailers




Tiko has helped me and changed the society because we no longer hear about girls getting unwanted pregnancies. We are more knowledgeable and girls are not ashamed of receiving family planning services even when young.

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